Welcome to my Blog

Wow, you made it. Welcome to my blog. I trust that what I say here will be thought provoking and beneficial to you in some way shape or form. It's my desire to share with you what I've learned regarding navigating this journey we call life. Perhaps you can glean something from some passage of mine.
Much of this blog is in video format, so click a link if you don't see words after titles. Holla!
May God keep you. Wear the crown!

Peace is the presence of the goodness of God.
P. Jas.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More On Abe

Hey! I'm back and want to talk a little more about our friend Abraham, father of many nations. In his story perhaps you will find some of yourself as I have over and over again. Following are my thoughts for today...
Abraham's faith was put to the test of time in waiting for the son that God had promised him. What we sometimes overlook is the fact that in Abe's desire for a son was wrapped up all of the things that made a man a “success” in Mid Eastern patriarchal society. An heir was everything. In Abe's case because of the passage of time, the birth of Isaac would've been a great relief to him in that his faith would now be evident to those who may have ridiculed him for following God and giving up the things that he did. Kind of an, “Aha! I told you!”.
But why would God now ask this man for the son that He'd promised to give him to make his name great? Well, is it possible that while Abe was put to the test in the area of faith, patience, and waiting on God; could it be that while he was indeed growing in relationship with God over this period of time; could it be that Abe had grown to love God for what He could do for Him and not merely for who He is? Could he have been “using” God as a means to an end? Is it evident at this point that Abe loved God unconditionally? No it isn't.
What do you have affection for today above or equal to God that God may have given you?
I pray that me asking you this question will cause you to ask it of yourself and answer with great trepidation and sincerity. When you arrive at an answer take time to pray and thank the Lord for revealing to you an issue of life, then act on it accordingly.
God bless and keep you in His care. Keep the faith and wear the crown. Holla.


1 comment:

Joseph said...

In my walk with the Lord that when I put the gift before the giver of the gift I usually messed things up and lost what I was trying so dearly to hold on too